Hour for hour, I put more time for an online course than for any other format. I'm also "on call" much more in the online environment than in other teaching environments. Anyone who thinks he/she will begin teaching online and simply monitor the class a few times a week is in for a rude awakening. Yet, regular, brief check-ins work well - and don't need to take up much time. I try to respond daily (in the evening) to at least 2 discussion thread replies - and ALL posts under the ??? COURSE QUESTIONS ??? thread. I also limit myself to 45 minutes in the classroom. Teaching online can be addictive - and not unlike surfing the Internet. Without parameters, one could easily click away 2-3 hours per night in the virtual classroom. Remember, you don't need to respond to every post - or comment on every issue. Be visible, but don't be omnipresent.
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