Sunday, February 22, 2009

ONLINE ADJUNCT FACULTY TIP #19 - Making Sure You Can Contact a Student

If you've taught online, you've probably had this happen to you. (A) A student submits an assignment the last day of class - and you are unable to open it with your software, (B) the student assumed they posted their assignment electronically, but due to some technical glitch - it didn't post, or (C) you need the student to revise part of the assignment as the student misread the syllabus. Hey, how about the university email crashing - that's happen to me - more than once!

Some will argue that none of these things should add to the burden of the instructor. Hey, if a student messed up posting the assignment - too bad, so sad. That's not my approach - and I would encourage you to also have a higher level of tolerance for the online learner. Let me clearly state that it's rare that either A, B or C happens -

So, what's your point, David?? My point is to always make it an option for students to provide you with an alternate way to contact them (beyond their student email account) - be it a different email address or cell phone number. I've never had a student balk at this request. I also remind students to check their university email daily during the course - and daily for a week following the course.

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