The "Free Checks" promotion at my bank has ended. After 7 years of good times - writing checks at will...knowing that when it came time to order replacements they would be free - well, that Laissez-faire period is over. The counter attendant seemed a bit taken back when I presented my check re-order form. "You know we no longer provide free checks," she stated. Hmmm. If I knew that, then why would I ask for free checks? The attendant, who was nice, although blunt, attempted to smooth the waters by informing me that the replacement box of checks would be just $11.99 -- half the price of the actual cost of the checks. I was still getting a deal. I didn't realize how lucky I was...
Talking about being fortunate - make your own luck by crafting a plan to get your name and credentials on the desk of a university faculty department chair. I have attached a screenshot of a list of courses I am qualified to instruct (per my opinion) for a specific university. I included this 1-page, easy-to-read document with my cover letter and professional vita. Here's a quick overview of the steps I've taken in contacting public and private post-secondary institutions in my state:
- Check if the university has an Adjunct Faculty Coordinator. If they do, contact that person by phone and then send him/her your follow-up materials per their submission guidelines. Ask the coordinator what the university's needs are at present -
- Go online and sift thru the course catalog - making a list of courses that you judge you are qualified to instruct. I suggest keeping the list to no more than 20 courses to avoid making it appear that you are simply applying for every course in the booklet. Sure, I can teach Advanced Physics! Don't accept a course that you aren't qualified to teach!
- Assemble an inquiry packet and mail it to the Chair of the target department(s) - the packet should contain (A) cover letter - start by noting the date you spoke with the person, (B) teaching vita, and (C) list of courses you are qualified to teach (screenshot).
- If you have a strong connection with the faculty chair, you might want to also include your sample syllabus - I've found that artifacts have impressed Chairpersons as they quickly identify quality documents.
- Finally, call the Chairperson in ten days if you haven't received a response - be sure to state that you are prepared to start teaching immediately -- and be persistent!
- One final point - tour the university's website - do they use Blackboard or some other online medium? Did they recently add a new department or program?
- OK, one more "final point" - equip yourself with the Certificate of Adjunct Faculty Educators (CAFE) from http://www.socafe.org/ -- and include it with your inquiry packet. Set yourself apart -- set yourself above!
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