I just sneezed. Achoo! There, another sneeze. I feel fine, though -- and although my TV is babbling off to my left, it's not stuck on the instant-celebrity "Pandemic Mania" channel - so I'm not being convinced, and coerced, that I'm much sicker than I really am -- actually, I'm feeling fine. OK, what's on my TV? M*A*S*H (remember that, as it will be a trivia question in a future thread).
Talking about feeling fine, I listened to my students this spring when they asked, "Can we post a peer-reviewed assignment thread?" Hmmm. I had heard of this animal, but thought it was only found in the remote wild. I admit, I wasn't hip on allowing students to review and comment on each other's work, in a public class forum, prior to submission to the instructor. There were risks...an aspiring teacher might kindly rip apart others' work. Tears! A passive student might let others take the lead in posting work, and then copy what's been posted, re-format it in their own wrapper, and call it their own. Yet, before I typed, "Thanks for the idea, but no" -- I paused, and decided to allow the request. At first, it was a trial -- and soon, it was a staple. Of course, I have parameters:
- Students post at their own risk
- I post a peer-review thread for only one assignment per class
- The assignment must be divergent, but the format convergent
Peer-reviewed threads have been popular. They're not for everyone, but they don't have to be for everyone... Go ahead, prep your peer gear and go forth without fear!
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