ONLINE ADJUNCT FACULTY TIP #22 - The benefits of 2 monitors
For the past year, I've been using a second monitor with my home computer (this photo is taken from my office - the location for which I instruct my online courses -- or, per my wife, "The Man Cave". While initially reluctant to add a companion screen, I now wouldn't want to teach online without it. The benefits of a second monitor are many, including: (A) able to display links within a course on a separate screen versus having them pop-up over my course window, (B) able to have an assignment rubric up on the screen while reading a student's work on the other screen, and (C) able to simultaneously access a course from both the instructor view and a student view (probably the most significant benefit!). Below is an article that I read prior to adding a second monitor - I attest that productivity has increased! My suggestions - make sure the 2nd monitor is approximately as large as the main monitor and that it is also of similar brightness. I initially used an older, less bright monitor as the companion and was bothered by the different contrast levels. A basic second monitor shouldn't cost more than $200.00. If used solely for teaching, it is also an itemized tax deduction.
1 comment:
Thanks for the kind words - I enjoy writing this BLOG. If you haven't already registered to follow my BLOG - please take that step as I'm preparing to roll out new posts using short videos - all created with FREEWARE! I'll show you how to create micro-videos for your online courses - within minutes and without cost! --Thanks, David
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