Not all online instructional mediums allow for the instructor to create a quiz. However, if you are instructing in Blackboard, you will be able to develop a quiz for your students - and their performance will automatically be recorded in the course gradebook. Included in this post is a screenshot from a quiz I incorporated into a fall course I instructed on Blackboard. What are my thoughts on using a quiz? -- First, I think a quiz can be a tool that encourages students to navigate the various aspects of Blackboard - so for that, it's a good "initiation" device. It also builds success and confidence in the new online learner. Yet, I think one's course shouldn't contain a weekly quiz as to me, there's just not a natural "feel" for using a quiz at the post-secondary level. So, while I endorse the use of a quiz, I also caution the instructor on building what might appear to be an automated classroom. One word of advice - when you create a quiz, be sure to view it from a "student" view screen. When I created my first quiz, it appeared fine in Instructor mode, but it wasn't viewable to my students!
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