Saturday, January 3, 2009


A few months ago, I engaged an adjunct collegue in a discussion regarding the best format for posting course items, such as the syllabus, calendar and rubrics, to the online classroom. I post everything in (Portable Document Format) PDF files. I also post a link to a free PDF reader and free PDF creator at the start of the class. I've found that PDF files are univeral and often take less bandwith than Word documents or other Office documents with embedded images.

My counterpart disagreed, and stated that he posts everything in Word 97-2003 or the new version of Word. He understands that some students don't have the "compatible" version of Office installed on their computers, but posts downloadable readers.

Personally, I still advocate for a full PDF-based online environment. However, students can post in any version of Word of PDF as I have the software to view either program.

However, as an instructor, I'm all about using Adobe's PDF!

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