Thursday, January 22, 2009

ONLINE ADJUNCT FACULTY TIP #11 - Why to use case studies

I admit it - I'm a fan of case studies. I love to write case studies as I feel engage the student in a close-to-life simulation. A word of advice, avoid the uni-case study - the one case study that you feel applies to each student. I typically will post 3 case studies and allow the student to pick from that array. For example, I teach a course in Educational Administration - Special Education. I allow students to respond to one of the following 3 case studies (A) Student with food allergy, (B) Ice-covered sidewalks and ADA accessibility, (C) Elementary child with severe behavioral outbursts and single mother who pleads with school not to shorten her son's day as she can't provide for daycare. Hey, all are challenging - and all are different. As a student, having the right to choose is empowering. Remember, learning is about discovery - so fight the urge to "standardize" every part of your course.


Ivan said...

Giving students options for case study topics is a very good idea.

Sliverchicken said...

Excellent idea, very good way to empower your students and raise self esteem.